Friday, August 30, 2013

Strength of Weight Loss Surgery Community Helps Success

Here at Dr. Feiz and Associates, we truly believe that a strong support structure is the key to success following any of the types of weight loss surgery. A patient who undergoes bariatric surgery with Dr. Feiz will have a dedicated team of professionals ready and willing to help them when they need it most. Whether it's a dietary concern, a question about a particular aspect of a surgery, or simply a doubt creeping into their minds, Dr. Feiz always provides a kind and knowledgeable ear that get his patients back on track, feeling informed and great about themselves.

Many of the patients who come to Dr. Feiz for a sleeve gastrectomy or a lap band in Los Angeles will also join an online community dedicated to bariatric patients, either on their own or by using a page recommended by the doctor himself. Here, people can speak openly and connect on a deeply personal level, helping to eliminate the common feelings of isolation that can often spring from being obese in our culture.

It's simply amazing how helpful and caring the weight loss surgery community is. Sharing recipes on Pinterest, blogging about your highs and lows, and giving each other words of encouragement on online forums are all incredible ways to pay it forward, helping to guarantee the success of another person's sleeve gastrectomy, lap band, or other type of bariatric surgery. Dr. Feiz and his associates thank these people for their excellent work!

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