Friday, November 6, 2015

Show and Tell

We at Dr. Feiz & Associates we're thrilled to be involved in this week's American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASBMS) Obesity Week conference held in Downtown Los Angeles. It was a rare chance to show what we can do with the new needlescopic approach to the gastric sleeve. Broadcasting to the conference from our surgery center in Rancho Cucamonga, we showed the assembled surgeons and other medical professionals how just using four three millimeter incision points, we are able to perform this highly effective procedure -- without altering our methodology in any significant manner.

It's all very exciting from a number of perspectives, but one of the most fascinating aspects is being to show a large audience of our fellow medical professionals precisely how we work, directly from one of the places we work most frequently. After all, it's one thing to try and explain in great detail how a certain type of procedure is performed, it's quite another to actually be able to show, in precise and graphic detail, a large audience how our approach to bariatric surgery can be help patients get the best possible results.

It's an honor, of course, but also a tribute to the level of technology we currently benefit from. After all, the same kind of high-tech that allows us to perform ,minimally invasive miniature camera-assisted laparoscopic procedures also allows us to stream our procedures live and really show what's possible to other doctors and the general public. It's an exciting time to be alive and working in medicine.

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